What to outsource and what to keep in-house?


Outsourcing is not just for large corporations anymore. Every day small and medium-sized businesses seeking to construct part of their functions to a third-party vendor. This process allows improving competitive position and business success through cost saving, access to labor and technology, and many more. The key here is to find a reliable partner that will be able to perform upon your expectations. Helpware has shown to be one of the leading BPO companies within customer service, back-office support, marketing, and video and image annotation. Through years of experience and strong expertise, the company was able to serve a great number of clients within seven different industries.

Business functions that are best to outsource

  • Customer service. In-house call centers are costly due to the infrastructure and employee training and maintenance. Oftentimes the team is unable to process all the tickets which leads to customer dissatisfaction and revenue loss. Outsourcing from BPO in the Philippines allows to increase all these metrics and save costs through providing a team of dedicated agents for an affordable price.
  • Digital marketing. An outsourced marketing firm is able to provide an outside point of view on the strategy and processes that would be impossible to obtain internally. Moreover, you ultimately access all the industry-leading technology, skills, expertise, and established methods that will help your business to succeed. Depending on the needs of your company, the outsourced partner can develop and implement a new marketing strategy or improve an existing one.
  • Administrative work. With technology innovations, increase in connectivity and speed and cloud services boost, companies do not obligatorily require people working at the office in order for the business operations to run smoothly. Anything from research, data entry, and account setup to order processing lead follow-up, and annotation can be performed by outsourced agents at a much lower cost.

Business functions that should not be outsourced

  • Product or service development is your core business function that solely in-house departments should work on. No company will be able to fully understand and develop a good business strategy for the development.
  • Employee development. While the outsourced firm can help, you are the one that knows the gaps and weaknesses of your employees. Allocating time and money for employee training and development will significantly benefit your business and increase your competitive advantage.
  • New markets business development. Issues that arise during this process are rarely resolved by a third party. If you are unable to determine your customer segment or why customers should buy your product or service, no firm can figure that out for you.
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